Английский язык в экономике, тест, задания
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы11488
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.8
ОглавлениеВыберите правильный вариант из предложенных .
1. If you take the sweater back to the shop they’ll want to see the … to show you bought it there.
2. The task of the public relations department is to project thought … of a company.
3. When the product was launched they issued a press … to all the news agencies.
4. The higher the risk you … the more money you can make.
5. The bookkeeper keeps a record of every financial …
6. Such items as buildings and machinery are known as … assets.
7. We need an effective campaign to … our new product range.
8. I think we should … our lawyers before signing any agreement.
9. There are several ways to measure how … country is.
10. The situation in which everyone who wants to work has a job is called full … .
11. They didn’t want to cash a check, so I … by credit card.
12. The interest rate in this bank is … all over the town.
13. … for time, I couldn’t even drop into the bank.
14. The Bank of England increased its lending rate … 7.75 % … 8.25%.
15. High interest rates… impact on the consumer’s ability to buy a new house.
16. According to the balance sheet they … a large profit last year.
17. Customers … respectfully … to pay within 14 days.
18. Our profits … recently.
19. If you paid within 7 days you would be given a discount.
20. If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local department.
21. … cheques is safer than carrying cash around.
22. Whenever you want … a sum of money you just go to the bank and pay it in.
23. When you make a deposit you put money … your account.
24. … a share gives its holder part of the ownership of the company.
25. The interest rate … not really … … by the government.

26. The sales … really good for our company last year.
27. The company offers a … range of products than any of its competitors.
28. It is … year in the last ten years.
29. Sweden is an important … of steel.
30. A company has a national market … of 30%


Подберите соответствующее прилагательное, описывающее менеджера.
(прилагательные приведены ниже)

(co-operative, responsible, sincere, communicative, supportive, articulate, skilled, patient, creative, consistent, committed, honest, decisive, competitive, practical, sensitive, assertive, discreet, intelligent, loyal, reliable, rational, approachable)
31. She always means what she says. She’s totally ...
32. He always says what he thinks. He’s very ...
33. She’s very good at expressing herself. She’s extremely ...
34. You can depend on him. He’s very ...
35. Her door is always open if you’ve got a problem. She’s very ...
36. His job comes first. He’s totally ...
37. she is quick to help colleagues and subordinates. She’s extremely ...
38. He doesn’t do around gossiping behind people’s backs. He’s very ...
39. She doesn’t let her emotions interfere with her work. She’s very ...
40. He always works to the same high standard. He’s extremely ...

III. Business Grammar.

Вставьте в следующие предложения who, which, that, of which, whose, of whose, if necessary:

41. One reason for using TV advertising ... is very expensive is to reach the customers ... don’t read magazines.
42. Our model is the only one ... can do word processing, stocktaking and mailing ... is a great help to the secretary ... time can now be spent more efficiently.
43. This is the agency agreement ... I brought back from Osaka.
44. Their profits this year have risen to $200000 ... is an increase on last year’s results ... were much lower because of the modernization program ... they were carrying out.
45. The job ... is based in central London but requires some traveling would be suitable for a young woman ... has experience in this field and ... is between 25 and 35 years old.

IV. Переведите предложения из Активного в Страдательный залог.

46. Steve Jobs founded Apple Computers.
47. The board will discuss the proposal.
48. They have transferred him to the New York office.
49. They had made a full investigation.
50. Did anyone inform Mrs. Wilson?
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст
Russia: the fall and rise of the market economy
A recent survey compared the cost of living for expatriates in cities around the world. Not surprisingly, the top ten most expensive cities included Tokyo, London and New York. But more expensive than any of these was ... Moscow! Less than two decades ago, Moscow was the heart of the world’s biggest planned economy. There was no property for sale then. The state-run shops had few consumer goods. Shortages for simple things like shoes were common. Today, things are different. Moscow is the centre of a free market with some of the highest property prices in the world. The state-run shops have been replaced by expensive shopping centres and designer stores. But the change has not been easy.
The figures for Russia’s real Gross Domestic Product since 1991, when the economic reforms began, show that the economy has been on quite a roller-coaster ride. In 1991 GDP was over $350 billion. That fell dramatically year after year until 1998, when GDP was just over $220 billion. However, the situation improved again from 1998. In fact, Russia’s GDP increased steadily year after year from 1999 until 2006 when it reached around 8740 billion. What caused such a change of fortunes?
Changing over to a completely different economic system could never be painless. The Russian government of the early 1990s decided to use a shock therapy approach. They introduced severe fiscal and monetary policies. The government drastically reduced its spending. It cut subsidies to its crumbling state industries. Interest rates and taxes were raised. Government price controls on nearly all consumer goods were lifted. Only prices for staple goods like food and energy remained controlled by the government. New laws were introduced to allow private ownership and businesses to exist.
All of these measures were intended to create conditions for a market economy to grow. However, they also caused great hardship for ordinary people. Most workers at that time were on fixed incomes. The measures caused the cost of living to rise, but their salaries did not rise at the same rate. To make matters worse, events in the banking system in 1992 caused the money supply to balloon. This resulted in hyperinflation levels of 2,000%. Despite Russia’s enormous reserves of oil and gas, the economy went into a long and difficult depression. Finally, in 1998, when an economic crisis hit the East Asian Tigers, oil prices began to fall around the world. For Russia, it turned a depression into an economic crisis
However, from 1999, world oil prices began to rise again. Mostly with money earned from energy exports, Russia began to pay off its foreign debts. Inflation fell and the value of the rouble stabilised. The economy was recovering. GDP grew steadily year after year, and foreign investors began to show confidence in investing in the country. Moscow’s place at the top of the list of the world’s most expensive cities is not enviable. However, it is a clear sign that the Russian economy has survived a difficult time.

Упражнение 1
Соотнесите слова (1-14) с их объяснениями (a-n)
1. expatriate a. very high inflation
2 consumer goods b. financial help from the government
3. state - run c. change
4. hardship d. something that other people want
5. reform e. managed by the government
6. severe f. very strict or cruel
7. subsidy g. basic things that everyone needs
8. crumbling h. to grow very quickly
9. staple goods i. things that people buy but not really need
10. fixed incomes j. falling apart or collapsing
11. to balloon k. very difficult times
12. hyperinflation l. someone who works away from home
13.enviable m. salaries or pensions that do not grow with inflation
14. stabilize n. become steady, unchanging

Упражнение 2
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Упражнение 3
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