Контрольная работа по английскому языку, вариант 18
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы19236
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.7
Оглавление"ВАРИАНТ № 18
Task I. Translate the following text from English into Russian in writing.
Tariffs are a political tool that has been used throughout history to control the amount of imports that flow into a country. They determine which nations will be granted the most favorable trading conditions. High tariffs create protectionism, shielding a domestic industry’s products against foreign competition. High tariffs usually reduce the importation of a given product because the high tariff leads to a high price for the customers of that product.
Tariffs are generally imposed for one of four reasons:
 To protect newly established domestic industries from foreign competition.
 To protect aging and inefficient domestic industries from foreign competition.
 To protect domestic producers from ‘dumping’ by foreign companies or governments.
 To raise revenue. Many developing nations use tariffs as a way of raising revenue.

Task II. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:
1. Where are goods being imported or exported cleared?
2. What are Customs officials responsible for?
3. Why is the cargo examined?
Customs Clearance of Goods
Traditionally, goods being imported or exported have been cleared at the port of departure or arrival. As enforcement officers of the borders and all points of entry for cargo, Customs officials are responsible for examining documents and cargo. This initial examination is the simplest way to identify shipments and to distinguish between legal and illegal shipments.
The cargo is examined at the Customs zone. A Customs officer should be careful in order to minimize damage. If it’s necessary to damage an article, its value should be established before the examination.
The cargo is also examined to ensure that no prohibited or restricted goods may come along. Various inspectional techniques and devices can help release goods quicker, with less damage and also result in increased seizures of prohibited items.

Task III. Match left and right:
1) Начислять таможенные пошлины
2) Проводить выборочный контроль
3) Быть ответственным за досмотр груза
4) Представить таможенную декларацию
5) Освобождаться от таможенных пошлин
6) Перевозить опасные грузы
7) Устанавливать подлинность груза
8) Упрощать таможенные процедуры
9) Подавлять (пресекать) контрабанду
10) Защищать отечественного производителя

Task IV. Translate into Russian.
1. Smugglers would be able to avoid detection if they took their contraband into or out of the country when there are no visible signs of a Customs presence.
2. If the cargo was found in damaged condition or deficient in quantity, the cargo would be put apart for examination in the presence of the owner or the carrier of the goods.
3. I wish I led international links with regional Customs.
4. If they had exhibition goods for demonstration at an event, they would be relieved from Customs duty.
5. The producers will deliver the goods ordered by our firm if we fulfill all our obligations according to the Contract.

Task V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. If his inward documents … in full order then, his means of conveyance could have entered the country.
2. If he got a job at the Customs, he …the chance to protect society from potential risks.
3. I wish my luggage … at the Customs control quickly.
4. If we … at the airport earlier, we wouldn’t have missed our flight to Vienna.

Task VI. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right:

Task VII. Use Present Conditionals.
For example: If I lost my driving licence, I would apply to the Police.
What would you do if:
 you had your computer broken
 you got a job as a Customs officer at Rostov airport
 you were asked to work in shifts
 you were falsely accused of stealing securities (ценные бумаги)

Task VIII. Translate the sentences into English using Conditionals.
1. Жаль, что они не получили визу вовремя.
2. Если бы они правильно заполнили декларацию во время прошлой поездки, у них не было бы проблем на таможенном контроле.
3. Жаль, что он опоздал на свой рейс. Теперь ему придется поменять билет.
4. Если бы ваши транспортные документы были в полном порядке, товары были бы выгружены очень быстро.

Список использованной литературы
1. Графова Л.Л., Арзуманян С.В., Лазарева Т.П. В таможне (русско-английский справочник) М.: Высшая школа, 1998.
2. Графова Л.Л. Англо-русский таможенный словарь М.: Межд.книга, 1997.
3. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка. 2 ч. М.: «Деконт+» - «ГИУ», 2007.
4. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Г. English Grammar– Учебное пособие. – Спб.: Антология, 2006.
Цена, руб.400

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