Английский язык, вариант 3
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы21202
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.16
Оглавление"Задание № 1. Найдите русские эквиваленты (пункт А) для английских слов и словосочетаний (пункт Б), выбранных из текста:
1. бухгалтер
2. международное предприятие розничной торговли
3. изысканные продукты питания
4. постоянный киоск
5. распространять
6. основатели (компании)
7. основные магазины
8. благотворительные акции
9. хорошо обученный персонал
10. предложения в сфере гостеприимства
11. выходить из употребления
12. проверенные временем марки (бренды)
13. долгосрочные взаимоотношения
14. приобретать

1. multinational retailer
2. to spread
3. luxury food products
4. founders
5. book-keeper
6. to acquire
7. permanent stall
8. long term relationships
9. time-honored brand labels
10. fell out of use
11. core shops
12. hospitality offering
13. well-trained staff
14. charitable events

Задание № 2. Прочтите приведенный ниже текст и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
Marks & Spencer
Marks and Spencer plc (M&S) is a major British multinational retailer headquartered in the City of Westminster, London, with 703 stores in the United Kingdom and 361 stores spread across more than 40 countries. It specializes in the selling of clothing and luxury food products. Founders of M&S were Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer.
It all started in 1884, when polish immigrant Michael Marks established his Penny Bazaar on Kirkgate Market, in Leeds. Above his stall he put the now famous notice: don't ask how much - it's a penny. Later he met Tom Spencer, who was a cashier from Yorkshire and was working in Leeds that time. Tom Spencer was an excellent book-keeper and in 1894, when Marks acquired a permanent stall in Leeds' coveted market, he invited Spencer to become his partner.
The next few years saw Michael Marks and Tom Spencer open market stalls in many locations around the North West of England. Nowadays M&S has over 703 shops throughout the United Kingdom, with nearly 1.2 million square meters of selling space.
Marks and Spencer made its reputation on a policy of only selling British-made goods. It entered into long term relationships with British manufacturers, and sold clothes and food under the ""St Michael"" brand. The 'St Margaret', and 'Homecare' had been other time-honored brand labels of the company until the millennium.
In the early 2000s old brands fell out of use in the company-wide re-branding campaign. The stylish 1996-1997 'Orient Express Tagged' brand was the first of numerous new brands, most of which were in feminine and children's clothes. In recent years the company has launched several new brands and lines of women's wear and children's wear such as Indigo Collection Junior, Indigo Collection and Portfolio.
There are hundreds branches of M&S all over the world - in America, Europe, and Asia.
M&S core shops typically feature a selection of the company's clothing ranges and an M&S Food hall. Among current M&S product lines there are Womenswear, Beachwear, Sportswear, Shoes, Childrenswear, Babywear, Menswear, Cosmetics and Perfumes, Homeware, Technology, Food and drink, Gift shop/Christmas gift shop, etc.
Most M&S shops feature some sort of hospitality offering, usually in the form of an M&S Cafe. The cafe offering typically includes coffees and teas, pastries, toasted sandwiches, soups and cakes.
As of 2010, M&S have 50 outlet stores and growth expansion plans for future. The Outlet division offers M&S products with the majority of them discounting at least 30% from the original selling price.
Why is M&S so successful? The store bases its business in three principles: good value, good quality, and good service. Since 1953 the slogan of the company has been the following: ""The customer is always and completely right!"" It expresses the company's attitude towards customer relations. But perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, well-trained staff. Today more than 80 thousand employees are working for M&S worldwide. Conditions of work are excellent. They have company doctors, dentists, hairdressers, and other specialists to take care about the staff.
M&S has supported different charitable events. It has sold a wide range of charitable women's clothes for many years.
As of 2010 - по состоянию на 2010 год

Задание № 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту, обращая внимание на их построение.
1. What does Marks and Spencer plc specialize in?
2. Who were the founders of the company?
3. What was the notice above Marks first stall?
4. How many shops does the company have today?
5. Marks and Spencer has had good reputation, hasn't it? Prove your answer using the information from the text.
6. What were the main company brands in the 19-20th centuries?
7. Why did old brands fall out of use in the early 2000s?
8. What do M&S core shops typically feature?
9. Does the Outlet division offer products with discount from the original selling price?
10. Why is M&S so successful?

Задание № 4. Найдите в тексте по одному предложению со сказуемыми, которые стоят во временных формах Present Indefinite Active, Past Indefinite Active, Present Continuous Active, Past Continuous Active, Present and Past Perfect Active. Выпишите эти предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите исходную форму глагола каждого сказуемого.

Задание № 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите временную форму каждого сказуемого.
1. In 1998, M&S became the first British retailer to make a profit of over £1 billion.
2. Michael Marks was working in a stall in Leeds market when he met Tom Spencer.
3. M&S opened stores in continental Europe in 1975.
4. The company puts its main emphasis on quality goods.
5. M&S has historically been an iconic retailer of 'British Quality Goods'.
6. M&S has sold Christmas cakes and Christmas puddings since 1958.
7. M&S is Britain's favorite store.
8. M&S shops attract a great variety of customers, from housewives to millionaires.
9. The company will not only sell clothing but food as well.
10. The company will open several food outlets throughout the French capital next year.
11. Marks & Spencer launched an online shopping service in 1999.
12. At Christmas, the company introduces a range of food products, including seasonal Christmas sandwiches.
13. The share price is falling now.
14. M&S has always run newspaper and Magazine ads since the early 1950s.
15. The company is reworking store design now.
16. Marks & Spencer had used St Michael brand until 2000.
17. Marks & Spencer were selling clothes under the St Margaret and St Michael label by the mid-1950s.
18. By the end of 2013 M&S prices will have increased.
19. The staff will be working at that time tomorrow.

Задание № 6. Напишите данное ниже предложение в Present, Past, Future Indefinite Active; Present, Past, Future Continuous Active и в Present, Past, Future Perfect Active, используя слова-показатели времени: ""every year"", ""before 2010"", ""last year"", ""by next week"", ""next year"", ""now"", ""recently"", ""during last year"", ""during next ten years"".
Tourists visit Marks & Spencer every day.

Задание № 7. Выразите свое несогласие с данными ниже утверждениями, используя фразы: ""no, you are wrong"", ""nо, you are not right"", ""no, it isn't so"". Исправьте данные утверждения и напишите верный вариант.
1. Marks and Spencer plc specializes in the manufacturing of clothing and food products.
2. Marks and Spencer started its business with selling goods made in other countries.
3. M&S core shops differ from each other in a range of goods and other offerings.

Задание № 8. Вспомните перевод данных ниже слов и словосочетаний из текста.
British-made goods
market stall
selling space
to feature
clothing ranges
Food hall
outlet stores
original selling price
to base ones business
good value, good quality, and good service
to express
the company's attitude towards customer

Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из предыдущего задания.
1. M&S начал свою деятельность с торговли товарами только британского производства.
2. Спустя несколько лет компания открыла торговые точки по всей северо-западной Англии.
3. Сегодня M&S принадлежит более миллиона квадратных метров торговых площадей.
4. Компания имеет сотни филиалов по всему миру.
5. Основные магазины компании отличает одинаковый ассортимент одежды и наличие продуктового отдела.
6. Аутлет-магазины предлагают товары со сидкой как минимум 30% от первоначальной стоимости
7. Бизнес компании основан на трех принципах: хорошие цены, хорошее качество, хорошее обслуживание.
8. Отношение к покупателю выражает девиз компании: «Покупатель всегда безоговорочно прав!»

Задание № 10. Постройте к каждому предложению общий, альтернативный, разделительный и 2-3 специальных вопроса.

Цена, руб.400

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