Английский язык для юристов, контрольная 1
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы27912
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.4
ОглавлениеЗадание 1: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику учебной и учебно-социальной сферы.

1. Any _____ is usually composed of the following basic sections: summary, introduction, discussion, conclusion and recommendations.
1) report 2) technology 3) textbook 4) method

2. Student: ― “_________________”
Tutor: ― “Yes, it was quite good”.
1) Have you had time to mark my essay? 2) What about my essay?
3) Didn‘t you mark my essay? 4) What did you do with my essay?

Задание 2: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику деловой сферы.

1. He was unemployed doing only odd ______.
1) positions 2) jobs 3) profession 4) occupation
2. The business lunch is an excellent way to improve a relationship with ______.
1) public 2) staff 3) a customer 4) a client
3. The international trade company is the largest _________ in the city.
1) work 2) employee 3) employer 4) staff

Задание 3: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику профессиональной сферы.

1. He was justified owing to his _________‘s proficiency.
1) a judge 2) attorney 3) bailiff 4) a jury
2. According to court _______ he was to compensate moral prejudice and caused damage.
1) judgment 2) rule 3) jurisdiction 4) litigation
3. ________law courts provide a forum for disputes involving torts.
1) international 2) martial 3) administrative 4) civil

Задание 4: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив термины.

Задание 5: Выберите соответствующие слова, образованные с помощью суф-фиксов или префиксов.

1. I want to be a famous ______ when I grow up.
1) scientific 2) scientifically 3) science 4) scientist
2. The man had to _______ the paint because the first coat wasn‘t sufficient.
1) applicant 2) unapplied 3) reapply 4) application
3. Superman is a comic strip character who has _______ strength.
1) inhumance 2) superhuman 3) humanity 4) humankind

Задание 6: Вставьте соответствующие местоимения (anywhere, herself, his):

Задание 7: Выберите соответствующие прилагательные или наречия в сравнительной или превосходной степени, где необходимо, или используйте сравнительные конструкции.

1. He could write plays _______ than any other playwright of his time.
1) faster 2) fast 3) fastest 4) most fast
2. Sinking of The Titanic was the _______ disaster of that time.
1) large 2) larger 3) more large 4) largest
3. She took a _____ breathe and dived for the necklace that she had dropped.
1) the most deepest 2) much deep 3) more deep 4) deep

Задание 8: Выберите соответствующие фразовые глаголы.

1. Your mother called. She wants you to call her ______ tonight.
1) off 2) back 3) for 4) over
2. Paul _____ visiting his parents.
1) insisted of 2) insisted to 3) insisted – 4) insisted on
3. All our plans _______.
1) broke in 2) broke down 3) broke through 4) broke to

Задание 9: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации профессионально-делового или социально-делового общения.

1. Journalist: “ ____________________”
Head of a firm: “As a manager of the environmental business unit, he is responsible for a team of eight.”
1) Is he in environmental business?
2) How many are there in his team?
3) Is he a manager of the environmental business unit?
4) Which is his team?

2. Waiter: “Would you like something to drink?”
Customer: “_______________”
1) I wonder if I could have a cup of coffee, please.
2) Give me coffee.
3) You must bring me a cup of coffee.
4) Can I have a cup of coffee, please?

Задание 10: Выберите правильный ответ, используя лексику страноведеческой сферы.

1. The financial centre of London is ______.
1) Westminster 2) the City 3) The West End 4) The East End
2. The official residence of the British Prime Minister is at ______.
1) Tower of London 2) Buckingham Palace
3) №10 Downing Street 4) Regent Palace
3. Madame Tussaud‘s is ______ in London.
1) a museum 2) an art gallery 3) a circus 4) a theatre
4. Stratford-on Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet and writer _____.
1) R. Burns 2) W. Shakespeare 3) Ch. Dickens 4) B. Show
5. The Queen who ruled for the longest period in British history was ______.
1) Margaret 2) Mary 3) Anna 4) Victoria
6. Margaret Thatcher was ______.
1) the leader of the Labour party 2) the Queen of Britain
3) the British Prime Minister 4) a film star

Задание 11: Оформление конверта. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

Задание 12: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия тексте запрашиваемой информации. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.


1. If you met Derek Forbes at a party, you would probably think he was a shy man. If you started talking, you would find him likeable and amusing. And it‘s hard to guess what he is. “ I just couldn‘t do it. I don‘t know what it is. It‘s not embarrassment. No, that‘s not it. You see, you are putting your head in a noose: that‘s what it seems to me.‖ Derek, an armed robber with a long record of bank jobs, was talking about hoisting. “No, I just couldn‘t do it. I mean just going in there.” He paused to try to find a more exact way of fixing his antipathy. I tell you what. It‘s too blatant for my liking.”
2. It seemed a funny way to put it. Pushing a couple of ties in your pocket at a shop was hardly the last word in extroversion. But my ideas of shop-lifting were still bound up with teenage memories of nicking packets of chewing gum from the local newsagents. A lot of guilt and not much loot. After a few conversations with professional hoisters, I realised that “blatant” was just about right.
3. Nobody took a couple of ties: they took the whole rack. The first member of the gang would walk in nice and purposefully. Their job was to set up the goods: perhaps put an elastic band round the ends of a few dozen silk scarves; move the valuable pieces of jewellery nearer the edge of the counter; slide the ties on the rack into a compact bunch. Then, while somebody else diverts the assistant or provides some sort of masking, the third member lifts the lot. If the walk to the door is a little long, then there may be someone else to take over for the last stretch. No one is in possession for more than a few seconds, and there‘s always a couple of spare bodies to obstruct anyone who seems to be getting too near the carrier.
4. Store detectives who move forward with well-founded suspicions may still find themselves clutching empty air. “There‘s one other little angle,” said one detective. I often pop round the back stairs; that‘s where you‘ll occasionally find one of them, trying to relax and get themselves in the right mood before starting the next job.”

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Derek respects hoisting gangs.
1) истинным 2) ложным 3) в тексте нет информации

Задание 13: Ознакомительное чтение с целью определения истинности утверждения. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.


1. Theft is probably the most common crime. The crime of larceny in some U.S. jurisdictions consists of stealing more than a specified sum of money or property worth more than a specified amount. The traditional definition of theft specified the physical removal of an object that was capable of being stolen, without the consent of the owner and with the intention of depriving the owner of it permanently. This intention does not necessarily mean that the thief must intend to keep the property – an intention to destroy it, or to abandon it in circumstances where it will not be found, is sufficient.
2. The distinction that the common law made between theft (taking without consent) and fraud (obtaining with consent, as a result of deception) has been preserved in many modern statutes. It is now accepted that an act may constitute both theft and fraud, as in the theft and subsequent sale of an automobile.
3. Burglary consisted originally of breaking into a dwelling by night with intent to commit a felony, but the definition has been expanded in many legal systems. In English law, any entry by an individual into a building as a trespasser with intent to commit theft or certain other offenses is burglary, and some jurisdictions recognize an offense of burglary of an automobile – breaking into it to steal the contents. Entry without the intent to commit a crime of the kind specified in the burglary statute is not burglary – it is merely a trespass, which is not criminal in many jurisdictions. Although the motivation of most burglars is theft, an intention to commit various other offenses converts a trespass into a burglary – it is possible, for instance, to commit burglary with intent to rape.
4. Robbery is the commission of theft in circumstances of violence. It involves the application or the threat of force in order to commit the theft or to secure escape. Robbery takes many forms, involving numerous participants and careful planning.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The essence of theft is stealing more than a specified sum of money.
1) в тексте нет информации 2) ложным 3) истинным

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