Английский 25 заданий
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы3267
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.4
ОглавлениеКонтрольная работа
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфете», 3 семестр для направлений «Документоведение и архивоведение»

Выберите один вариант ответа.
Задание №1.
I'll send you the ______ ______ by email.
A) writing C) document
B) archive D) paper

Задание №2.
An ___ ____ is a collection of historical records relating to a place, organization or family.
A) storage C) archive
B) data D) file

Задание №3.
I'll read your ___ over the Easter break.
A) report C) traitor
B) portrait D) porter

Задание №4.
I need a break from ___ ____.
A) crossing C) graduating
B) typing D) recognizing

Задание №5.
My job involves a lot of ___ _____ .
A) travelling C) trekking
B) breaking D) documenting
Задание №6.
I wrote a note so that I wouldn’t forget ____ ____ .
A) some C) something
B) anything D) nothing

Задание №7.
11 What are _____ _______ languages that Russian students learn at university?
A) the most common B) common
C) more common D) commoner

Задание №8.
Mandarin is the official language in __ China and __ __Taiwan.
A) an, an C) --, --
B) the, the D) a, a

Задание №9.
What time does Sara get back ___ ___ work?
A) to C) at
B) from D) on

Задание №10.
I have bought a gift __ __ my girlfriend.
A) for C) to
B) on D) of

Задание №11.
English ___ ___ in travelling.
A) help C) helps
B) is helping D) helping

Задание №12.
All she ___ ____ then is a letter from SMax company confirming all the arrangements.
A) wants C) needs
B) has to D) should

Задание №13.
I _____ ______ to the weekend.
A look forward C) look in
B) look for D) look at

Задание №14.
The Great Pyramid at Giza, Pyramid of Cheops, is the oldest and the largest of the three pyramids in ___ ____.
A) Pakistan C) Greece
B) Cyprus D) Egypt

Задание №15.
______ ______ is a large sea that is located between Europe, northern Africa and southwestern Asia.
A) The Black Sea C) The Mediterranean Sea
B) The Aral Sea D) The Kara Sea

Задание №16.
_____ ______ is the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, bearing the title of Prince of Wales.
A) Prince Phillip B) Prince George
C) Prince Charles D) Prince William

Задание №17. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. Выберите один вариант ответа.

Задание №18. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.
Dear Sirs,
We regret to have to inform you that case #2 consists of only 10 plastic bowls instead of 12 entered on the packing list and also on the invoice. The case shows no signs of pilferage and we ask you to supply the undelivered part of the consignment within 30 days.
Faithfully yours
A) Letter of complaint C) CV
B) Contract D) Letter of enquiry/request

Задание №19. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

Задание №20. Прочитайте текст.
Document Management System
1 In your business you are probably dealing with documents in a variety of formats: paper, e-mail messages, photographs, faxes, electronic documents, etc. Without a means to organize these communications, efficiency can become compromised.
2 Document management is a computer system that lets you store, retrieve, organize, track, and distribute all of your corporate information (as well as your administrative information), regardless of its format. Historically, the focus of document management was to manage paper. Using scanning technologies and computer storage, the objective was to make organizations’ paper documents available electronically. Document management has expanded its scope in response to improvements in IT that have made electronic communications commonplace.
3 Now, document management strategies encompass electronic media as well as paper. They are evolved to the point where they can truly optimize business performance, offering advances in productivity that eclipses the benefits that are associated with mere electronic storage and retrieval.
4 Some of the basic components of a document management system are highlighted below:
• Imaging is used to make incoming paper documents available electronically.
• Importing allows you to add electronic information such as PDF files, MS Office documents, e-mail attachments, and other documents to your electronic repository for storage and further processing.
• Web access allows authorized personnel to access business information from any Web browser. Documents can even be viewed simultaneously by multiple people.
• Archiving gives you the option to use less expensive media for the purpose of long-term storage of information that is no longer in the active stage of the document lifecycle.

Задание №21. Определите, является ли утверждение:
Document management is a set of computer programs used to track and store electronic documents.
A) ложным B) истинным C) в тексте нет информации

Задание №22. Определите, является ли утверждение:
Document Management System is the first commercial large format scanner manufacturer.
A) истинным B) ложным C) в тексте нет информации

Задание №23. Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) содержит следующую информацию:
Document Management System saves copies of the documents as images and stores the image files in the repository for security and quick retrieval.
A) 1 C) 2
B) 3 D) 4
Задание №24. Ответьте на вопрос:
What is Document Management?
A) Document Management is to manage paper.
B) Document Management deals with scanning technologies.
C) Document Management is a system to organize all communications.
D) Document Management encompasses information of an organization.

Задание №25. Определите основную идею текста.
A) Main components of document management system.
B) A variety of electronic formats.
C) What is really document management?
D) Benefits of document management.
Цена, руб.400

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