Контрольная по английскому языку (1 семестр)
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Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.4
Оглавлениеконтрольная работа по анг яз 1 семестр

1. Соотнесите значения слов и выражений, данных в правой колонке, с их английскими эквивалентами, данными в левой колонке.
1. local government a. городской управляющий
2. city manager b. уполномоченный, представитель
3. mayor-council c. автономные округа
4. set policy d. законодательный орган штата
5. an executive officer e. совет при мэре, муниципальный совет
6. commissioner f. обеспечение правопорядка; деятельность правоохранительных органов
7. State Legislature g. орган местного самоуправления
8. law enforcement h. советник, член совета
9. autonomous bodies i. должностное лицо с исполнительными функциями
10. councillor j. определять политику

контрольная работа

2. Прочитайте текст Regional Ministers и заполните пропуски в тексте словами и выражениями, данными в рамке.
appoints; coordinate; approval; central government; improve; effective delivery; political system; parliamentary debates; voice; regional interests; responsible

There are nine regional Government Offices in England providing “__1__ in the regions”, implementing a wide range of policies on behalf of 11 Whitehall Departments. There are also nine Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). RDAs drive and __2__ regional economic development and regeneration. Their aim is to __3__ their relative competitiveness and reduce imbalances within and between regions.
The Prime Minister __4__ Ministers for the English regions. Regional Ministers are __5__ for providing a clear sense of strategic direction for their region. Regional Ministers also give citizens a __6__ in central government, ensuring that government policy __7__ of the differing needs of the nine English regions. Regional Ministers will make central government more visible in the regions, helping to raise its profile and generate awareness of the __8__.
The role of Regional Ministers is to:
• advise the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform on the __9__ of regional strategies and appointment of RDA Chairs and Boards;
• represent __10__ in the formulation of central government policy relevant to economic growth and sustainable development in areas that have not been devolved to the RDAs;
• facilitate a joined up approach across government departments and agencies to enable the __11__ of the single regional strategy;
• champion the region at high level events and with regard to high profile projects (including through a programme of regional visits); and
• represent the Government with regard to central government policy at regional select committee hearings and at __12__ focused specifically on the region.

3. Прочитайте текст Forms of Local Government of the USA и переведите на английский язык слова и выражения, данные в скобках.
While (1. мэры) and city managers often develop and propose policies, their basic (2. полномочие) is to carry out the council’s directives and to implement the policy adopted by councils. Commissioners serve both (3. законодательная) and (4. исполнительная) roles. The relationship of the executive to the legislative (5. орган) varies by form of (6. местное самоуправление).
Mayor-Council Form of Government. (7. Политика и администрация) are separated. All legislative and policy-making powers are (8. наделены) in the city council. Administrative authority is vested in a directly elected mayor or county executive. Mayors in second class mayor-council and code mayor-council cities may (9. накладывать вето) ordinances but the mayor’s veto can be overruled by two-thirds (10. голоса) of the council.
Council-Manager Form of Government. All legislative and policy powers are vested in the city council. The council employs a professionally trained administrator (11. осуществлять) the policies it develops. The city manager is head of the (12. административная ветвь правительства). The mayor is usually selected by the city council from among its (13. члены). The mayor’s responsibilities are primarily (14. председательствовать) at council meetings, act as head of the city for ceremonial purposes, and for purposes of military law. The mayor votes as a council member and does not have any veto power. Political skills possessed by the mayor can be helpful in bringing (15. партии) together in the policy development process.

4. Прочитайте текст The Local Policy-making Process. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом справа, преобразовав его с помощью приставки или суффикса.
Policy-making is often undervalued and ___1___, yet it is the UNDERSTAND
central role of the city, town, and county __2__ bodies. LEGAL
The policies created by the local __3__ affect everyone in GOVERN
the community in some way.
__4__ council members of cities, towns, and counties have ELECT
public policy-making __5__. Policy initiation, formulation, RESPOND
adoption, and __6__ involve many interests. IMPLEMENT
This process has been __7__ as tending to be "fluid, CHARACTER
incremental, confused, often __8__ and even incoherent." ORDER

5. Прочитайте текст US City Government и выберите подходящее слово или фразу.
US City Government
Local governments of the USA generally include two tiers: __1__, also known as boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. In some states, counties __2__ into townships. Municipalities __3__ in many ways, as defined by state constitutions, and __4__, variously, townships, villages, boroughs, cities, or towns.
Once predominantly rural, the United States __5__ today a highly urbanized country, and about 80 percent of its citizens now __6__ in towns, large cities, or suburbs of cities. This __7__ city governments very important.
Because all cities have separate charters granted by the State Legislature, and now all have the power __8__ their charters by local actions, it is difficult to describe a common city structure. However, almost all __9__ some kind of central council, elected by the voters, and an executive officer, assisted by various department heads, __10__ the city's affairs.
In general, city government falls into three broad categories: the mayor-council, the commission, and the council-manager. These are the pure forms; many cities __11__ a combination of two or three of them.
Mayor-Council. This is the __12__ form of city government in the United States and, until the beginning of the 20th century, __13__ by nearly all American cities. Its structure is similar to that of the state and national governments, with an elected mayor as chief of the executive branch and an elected council that represents the __14__ neighborhoods forming the legislative branch. The mayor appoints heads of city departments and other officials, sometimes with the approval of the council. He or she __15__ the power of veto over ordinances — the laws of the city — and frequently is responsible for preparing the __16__. The council passes city laws, sets the tax rate on property, and divides money among the various city departments.
The Commission. This combines both the legislative and executive functions in one group of officials, usually three or more in number, elected city-wide. Each commissioner __17__ the work of one or more city departments. One is named chairperson of the body and __18__ the mayor, although his or her power is equivalent to that of the other commissioners.
Council-Manager. The city manager is a response to the increasing complexity of urban problems, which __19__ management skills not often possessed by elected public officials. The answer __20__ to delegate most of the executive powers, including law enforcement and provision of services, to a highly trained and experienced professional city manager. The latter has the power __21__ and remove department heads and to prepare the budget, but __22__ veto power over council actions.
1. a. counties b. county’s c. county
2. a. divided b. is divided c. are divided
3. a. can structure b. can be structured c. can have been structured
4. a. are called b. is called c. will be called
5. a. is b. are c. was
6. a. are living b. live c. have lived
7. a. is making b. makes c. made
8. a. revise b. to revise c. to have revised
9. a. have b. has c. had
10. a. managers b. manager c. to manage
11. a. have developed b. has developed c. had developed
12. a. old b. older c. oldest
13. a. is used b. was used c. has been used
14. a. various b. more various c. the most various
15. a. has b. have c. is having
16. a. city budget b. cities’ budget c. city's budget
17. a. supervise b. supervises c. supervised
18. a. is often called b. often is called c. is called often
19. a. require b. requires c. have required
20. a. was b. has been c. have been
21. a. appoint b. to appoint c. to be appointed
22. a. not have b. don’t have c. doesn’t have

6. Подберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол. В некоторых предложениях возможны несколько вариантов.
1. To gain respect, leaders (1. должны) be ethical. 2. The degree of success of the public administration (2.может) be defined in numerous ways. 3. The Governor (3.может) remove certain local officials, particularly those concerned with law enforcement. 4. Power (4.не следует) just be devolved from the national government to the national Parliament: power (5.должен) also rest with local communities. 5. This (6.может) help improve services and create strong communities. 6. Local authorities (7.должны) take the views of their communities into account. 7. You (8.не нужно) consider any kind of petitions from this local community. 8. He is not only our leader but he is also our friend and we (9.должны) to help him. 9.

7. Постройте предложения из следующих слов.
1 Elected mayor/ by/ is/ the/ headed/ London Authority. 2. The UK/ a variety of/ with different functions and responsibilities/ divided/ different types/ is /of Local Authorities/ into. 3. Has/ each of/ a separate system/ the four countries/ of local government/ of the United Kingdom. 4. Local government/ on 1 April/ came into/ the new system/ of /force/ 1974. 5. At the heart/ leadership/ is / of local government’s new/ role. 6. Is/ the basis of good leadership/ honorable character/ selfless service/ and/ to your organization. 7. Civil servants/ by/ staffed/ departments and agencies/ are/ politically impartial. 8. The Welch Assembly Government/ to develop and implement/ has/ within a range of areas/ considerable power policy. 9. The / far/ is/ local/ from/ system/ government/ of/ perfect. 10. The Governor/ programs/ them / and/ initiates/ executes.

8. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них Сложное дополнение или Сложное подлежащее, подчеркните конструкцию, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I heard England have two different patterns of local government in use. 2. Most councils in Great Britain seem to be using the council leader and cabinet option. 3. City governments, usually headed by a mayor or city manager, are supposed to have the power to levy taxes; to borrow; to pass, amend, and repeal local ordinances; and to grant franchises for public service corporations. 4. I want the Liberal Democrats to cut the level of taxation for people with low and middle incomes. 5. Good leaders are likely to be made not born. 6. Different people are meant to require different styles of leadership. 7. Our role is known to build the capacity of communities to shape and protect their own future. 8. We understand good leaders to be continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. 9. We asked him to be responsible for providing public assistance. 10. Russia is considered by many to be a centralised regime with a strong-arm president.

9. Прочитайте текст Local Government. Определите какое из утверждений после текста является истинным (T) или ложным (F). Отметьте варианты ответов.
The Government aims to make localism real by delegating power to the lowest appropriate level. Local authorities have a crucial part to play in this, both in carrying out responsibilities delegated from central government, and in devolving power further where possible.
Local authorities are independently elected and autonomous bodies. They are largely independent of central government and are directly accountable to their electorates. Their powers conferred on them by Acts of Parliament. Some powers are given to all local authorities, and some only to specific types such as district councils. Some powers are mandatory, which means that the authority must do what is required by law; others are purely permissive, allowing an authority to provide services if it wishes. Central government and the legal system provide some oversight, but each authority is ultimately responsible to the local people who elect the councillors.
Local areas need strong, effective and accountable leadership. Governance arrangements enable local leaders to use their wider influence as well as their powers to get things done for their communities. All councillors have a role to play in representing their communities and for the successful delivery of services. Local authorities are the main mechanism for citizens to drive local priorities and shape the type and standards of services they receive. They enable citizens to hold to account service providers. They can also empower individuals to take part and be responsible for the issues that matter most to local people. Local authorities need to involve communities and local people in decision making - people need to have a reason to vote for their councils.
Local Government Financial Statistics England 21 2011 tells that:
• In England, local authorities' total expenditure was £168 billion in 2009-10.
• In 2009-10 local authorities employed 1.8 million full-time employees staff and nearly 50 per cent of service expenditure (gross of income) was spent on these employees.
• About 64 per cent of local authorities' gross income in 2009-10 came from central government (through grants or re-distributed non-domestic rates). Other income from local sources included council tax, sales, fees and charges, council rents and capital receipts.

1) Local authorities play an insufficient role to make localism real. 2) Local authorities carry out responsibilities delegated from central Government, and devolve power further where possible. 3) The powers conferred on local authorities by Acts of Parliament are given to district councils. 4) Mandatory powers allow an authority to provide services if it wishes. 5) Local areas need strong, effective and accountable local leaders to use their influence and powers to get things done for their communities. 6) Local authorities involve local people in decision making to make them vote for their councils. 7) In 2009-10 local authorities spent nearly 50 per cent of the income on the employees. 8) About 64 per cent of local authorities’ income came from council tax, sales, fees and charges.

10. Прочитайте текст Central and Local Government in the United Kingdom, восстановите порядок слов в вопросах, данных после текста, запишите вопросы и письменно ответьте на них.

Some countries, such as the USA and Canada, are federal. They are made up of a number of states, each of which has its own government with its own powers to make laws and collect taxes. In these countries the central government have power only because the states have given them powers. In Britain it is the other way around. Local government authorities (generally known as ‘councils’) only have power because the central government has given them powers. Central government exercises considerable controls over local action: they include
• legal restraints. Local authorities have long been forbidden by law to do anything which is not expressly permitted by Parliament; local authorities which wanted to undertake any special initiative outside their existing powers ('ultra vires') had to promote a private Act of Parliament. Recently both England and Scotland have introduced a general power for local authorities to further the welfare of the population, but this is a new provision and it has not yet led to radical change.
• advice - the work of local government is increasingly regimented by central government instructions;
• inspection and audit - councillors can be personally fined for breaching audit rules, a situation which would not be tolerated by national politicians; and
• financial controls. - local councils are allowed to collect one kind of tax. This is a ‘council tax’, which is based on the estimated value of a property and the number of people living in it. Despite the existence of a "council tax", local government has very limited discretion in its ability to raise money, and it is not permitted to exceed central government limits. Loans cannot be taken without express sanction. Central governments can make the availability of grants conditional on compliance with their policy.
The system of local government is very similar to the system of national government. There are elected representatives, called councillors (the equivalent of MPs). They meet in a council chamber in the Town Hall or County Hall (the equivalent of Parliament), where they make policy which is implemented by local government officers (the equivalent of civil servants).
Most British people have far more direct dealings with local government than they do with national government. Local councils traditionally manage nearly all public services. Taken together, they employ three times as many people as the national government does. In addition, there is no system in Britain whereby a national government has responsibility for a particular geographical area. In practice, therefore local councils have traditionally been fairy free from constant central interference in their day to day work.

1) Why/ power/ British/ do/ local/ have/government/ authorities? 2) What/ does/ local action/ control/ over/ central government/ exercise? 3) What/ change/ has/ to/ radical/ led/ not? 4) What/ ‘council tax’/is/ a? 5) Why/ the system of / local government/ is/ the system of/ very/ to/ similar/ national government? 6) Where/ manage/ local/ do/ councils? 7) The national government/ in/ local councils/ the day to day/ can/ work/ interfere/ of?

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