Английский (задания и тест)
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы8535
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.6
Оглавление"1. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо:

2. Образуйте четыре типа вопросов:
He knows some engineers of our office.
You can see some cables and telexes on that desk.
We sent some letters to foreign firms yesterday.

Образуйте множественное число существительных:
Deer, progress, money, wife, engineer, day, park, magazine, night, tea, year, hour, manager, contract, milk, price, businessman, country.

3. Переведите на английский язык:
Уже половина десятого. Я должен идти на урок.
В прошлое воскресенье было не очень холодно, и мы с женой ездили за город.
Сейчас половина одиннадцатого. Мы должны наш урок.
Сегодня холодно? Нет, сегодня очень тепло. Вы можете открыть окно.
В Москве рано темнеет зимой? Да. В четыре часа дня.
Я встречал его где- то раньше.
Наши соседи - лучшие друзья.
Я никогда не был на Кавказе.
Я учусь на факультете менеджмента. Это один из самых престижных факультетов.

4. Переведите, используя притяжательный падеж:
Мнение экономистов.
Решение Правительства.
Компьютер моих друзей.
Это брат моего друга. Он менеджер.
Это словарь учителя немецкого языка.
Заработная плата служащего.
Резюме торгового представителя.
Товары компании.
Доходы потребителей.
Прибыль предприятия.

5. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:
Speaking about the economy of Great Britain it should be mentioned that as in many other countries the economy of Britain is based mostly on private enterprises. Different services and manufacturing are well developed, while the agriculture does not take the leading place here. Britain has the possibility to use oil and natural gas from the North Sea and this makes the country self-sufficient in energy. More than half of domestic oil production Britain exports to other countries.
We know that for any economy the international trade is very important. In Britain nearly 25 % of national production of goods and services are exported. 1981-1989 were the years of economical growth in Britain. But unfortunately as it often happens after the growing comes the recession. In this case Great Britain was not an exception. Only in 1992 the rate of inflation went down. Today we can say for sure that manufacturing production of Britain grows much faster than in any other industrial country.
To keep the economy at high level the government controls the inflation and public spending and borrowing. Markets and promote enterprises are not left without attention. Privatisation also takes its place. Nearly all major businesses are privatized now.
Another question worth mentioning is taxes. In Britain this problem is solved by reducing personal and corporate income taxes. Any of the industrial relations are legal. Small businesses are supported by the government. As we know Great Britain is a member of European Community, so it is a good place for investments.

1.What is the economy of Great Britain mostly based on?
2.What manufacturing is less developed in Britain?
3.What makes the country self-sufficient in energy?
4. What were the years of economical growth in Britain?
5. What does the government do to keep the economy it high level?
6.Why is Great Britain a good place for investments?

Тест и задания для проверки уровня знаний по английскому языку
1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой ‘o’, отличается от остальных.
a. phone b. know c. sorry
2. Выберите правильный вариант.
a. He likes to watch TV in the evening.
b. He likes in the evening to watch TV.
3. Определить тип вопроса.
My father travels a lot, doesn’t he?
a. disjunctive b. alternative c. special
4. Выбрать нужный артикль.
She will spend her holidays at … seaside.
a. a b. the
5. Выберите правильную форму существительного.
The … comes every morning.
a. postman b. postmen
6. Выбрать необходимое местоимение.
She likes … profession.
a. her b. his
7. Выбрать правильную форму глагола to be.
There … books on the self.
a. is b. are
8. Выбрать правильную степень сравнения.
He is … student of our group.
a. better b. best
9. Выбрать правильный предлог.
I go … the school.
a. on b. to
10. Выбрать правильную форму глагола to have.
She … a lot of job.
a. has b. have
11. Укажите предложение, в котором числительное является порядковым:
a. There are three hundred pages in the book.
b. Room five is empty.
c. School year begins on the first of September.
12. Переведите предложение на английский язык, используя оборот there is/are:
На столе книга.
13. Put the verb into Present Simple tense.
14. Put the verb into Past Simple tense.
15. Put the verb into Future Simple tense.
16. Put the verb into Present Continuous tense.
17. Put the verb into Past Continuous tense.
18. Put the verb into Future Continuous tense.
19. Put the verb into Present Perfect tense.
20. Put the verb into Past Perfect tense.
21. Put the verb into Future Perfect tense.

Цена, руб.400

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