Английский 1 вариант 3 упражнения
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы8559
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.4
Оглавление"Контрольная работа
Вариант 1

Упражнение 1. Перепишите следующие упражнения, выбирая правильную форму глагола. Переведите предложения.
1. The University of Oxford was founded in the XX century.
2. About 500 professors teach at this higher school.
3. 20 years ago my friend’s father graduated from the University.
4. Next year I will take a one year course for barristers.
5. Special and humane subjects are taught at our Academy.
6. When I entered the room, a legal counsel was writing a contract.
7. I had received a LLB degree before I began studying the Bar Vocational course. 8. At this time tomorrow we will be taking our degree examination in Civil Law.
9. Distance learning of lawyers will have been organized at our higher school by 2014.
10. The new name was given to our higher school in 1992.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски словами, данными в рамочке перед предложениями. Перепишите и переведите предложения.
1. The Commonwealth is headed by the UK.
2. The Government is formed by the party which has the majority in Parliament.
3. The Queen appoints the Prime Minister.
4. The second largest party forms the official Opposition with its own leader and «shadow cabinet».
5. Margaret Thatcher was elected in 1979.
6. The Speaker is elected at the beginning of each new Parliament to preside over the House.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Entering Legal Profession in the UK
Almost all English universities have a faculty of English law. University professors, readers and lecturers teach students. In most cases students receive the first degree in law on graduation from the university: LLB degree – Bachelor of Laws. The higher degrees are LLM degree (Master of Laws) and LLD degree (Doctor of Laws). As for these degrees, they require further studies, specialised examinations and dissertations.
However, in Britain, unlike many other countries, it is not necessary to have a degree to become a lawyer. But most people entering the profession have a degree in Law. The main requirement is to pass final examinations (for both barristers and solicitors). If someone has a university degree in a subject other than law, he / she needs to take a preparatory course.
Even after the examinations have been passed, a lawyer is not necessarily qualified. A solicitor then spends two years as a trainee solicitor. During this time, his / her work is supervised by an experienced lawyer, and he / she must take further courses.
A barrister must spend a similar year as a pupil.

Контрольная работа
Вариант 1
Упражнение 1. Перепишите следующие упражнения, раскрывая скобки и выбирая правильную форму прилагательного. Переведите предложения.
1. As a rule, magistrates may impose a sentence of less than 12 months imprisonment.
2. A lawyer has to deal with a variety of people and situations.
3. Our graduates can work as advocates, judges, notaries, and other workers of law enforcement agencies.
4. I think you should study laws if you want to be a lawyer.
5. Is the profession of an investigator more popular than the profession of a judge?
6. The barrister for the defence produced the strongest evidence in the trial.
7. This is the worst judge in the town. He is a briber and corrupter.
8. The building of the regional court is more modern than the building of our district court.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски словами, данными в рамочке перед предложениями. Перепишите и переведите предложения.
1. A person convicted in a magistrates’ court may appeal against its decision to the Crown court.
2. The legal system for England and Wales is based on statute law and common law.
3. The Supreme Court considers cases referred from the Court of Appeal.
4. The evidence presented by this advocate is very important for the case.
5. Do you see that man talking to the prosecutor?
6. Look! This witness is giving evidence!

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Найдите и подчеркните в тексте причастие II.
Judges in Great Britain
A judge is a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court. The powers, functions, method of appointment, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions.
Judges are chosen from lawyers who gained considerable experience as legal practitioners. In continental systems a law graduate can choose to be a judge at the beginning of his / her career. In Great Britain they cannot. A distinctive feature of the British system is that it does not have law schools training judges.
The vast majority of British judges are magistrates. A small proportion of judges are not magistrates. They are called ‘High Court Judges’ and they deal with the most serious crimes. These are crimes for which the criminal must be sent to prison for more than a year. High Court Judges are paid salaries by the state and have considerable legal training.
The work of judges is not easy. The judge’s decision may frequently affect the interests of individuals and groups of people who are not present in court. That’s why it’s true to say that the judge has burdensome responsibilities to make decisions. But sometimes they can make mistakes. These mistakes can be overruled by appeal courts.

Цена, руб.400

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