Английский язык, вариант 2
Цена, руб.300
Номер работы8619
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.3
Оглавление"Вариант II.
1 Глагол, данный в скобках, поставить в нужную временную форму.
Every morning on the way to the Uni-versity I (to meet) my friends.
The jazz band (to play) in the park and a lot of people (to listen) to the music now.
Look! She (to draw) a very nice pic-ture by this time.
We (to invite) our cousin to stay with us next summer.
Last year he (to work) in the centre of Chicago.

2 В данных предложениях определить залоговую и временную форму основного глагола. Перевести предложения.
1. A few moments ago the cat took a piece of fish and ran away.
took – Past Simple, Active Voice
2. The conference room is being decorated by the students of our group
is being – Present Continuous, Active Voice
3. Two new engineers have been just introduced to the head of the de-partment
have been introduced – Present Per-fect, Passive Voice
4. I think they'll conquer the top of this mountain in three days.
think - Present Simple, Active Voice
will conquer - Future Simple, Active Voice
5. The article was published last week, if I am not mistaken
was published - Past Simple, Passive Voice

3 Построить вопросы к каждому предложению, начиная их со слов, данных в скобках.
1. We usually grow strawberry and raspberry in our plot.
2. At last they clime at the top of the mountain.
3. Kate has already made a new dress for her birthday party
4. We are translating a difficult text from English into Russian.
5. They will become a doctor in two years.

4 В данных предложениях подчеркнуть модальные глаголы. Перевести предложения на русский язык.
1. Her grandmother can knit very well.
2. Take your umbrella with you. It may rain.
3. The students must come to the tech-nical school in time.
4. You need not stay there for the night.
5. You should not quarrel in the pres-ence of your child.

5 Перевести текст.
From the History of automobiles
For centuries people travelled on horses and usual horse-drawn carriage was a prototype of the automobile. There had been many attempts to con-struct a horseless carriage. People tried to use wind as a moving power and a carriage was built, but it moved only with a strong wind. Then the man used his arm muscular power and constructed pedal carriages. Such a carriage was driven by the Russian inventor Kulibin. It was a three wheeled vehicle operated by a man who pushed pedals up and down thus moving the carriage along the road. Later came carriage with a steam engine but they made an incredible noise and frightened people. Police demanded that a man with a red flag should go in front of the carriage to warn people of its approaching.
The first real automobiles ap-peared with the invention of the internal combustion engine. It was constructed and developed by Benz and Deimler, the German inventors, in 1885 and this year has become the year of the automobile birth. Karl Benz (1844-1928) devoted all his life to making a horseless carriage. When his three-wheeled engine-driven vehicle appeared on the streets in 1885 people stopped surprised to see that it moved without the aid of man or horses. Benz built an engine that was both lighter and more powerful then any previous engine. He put it on to a chassis, wheels were driven by means of a chain and there were only two speeds. The year had passed. By the beginning of 20 century the automobile had undergone changes: the car body was placed on Low wheels for stability and the driver was provided with a cabin to protect him in bad weather.
Now we have numerous models of cars and it is impossible to imagine our life without the automobile.

Цена, руб.300

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